source (available as a poster!) |
Just a quick heads up to anyone who's interested in playing
Mario Kart 7 with me and the rest of the crew over at
Video Game Writers – we'll be having a community games night on
Tuesday (that should be today for most of you reading this!) the 10th at
5-8 pm PST (8-11 pm EST)! That's Wednesday the 11th at... 11 am for those of you like me in Queensland, Australia. Man, time zones are confusing!
Be sure to register the VGW
Mario Kart 7 community code:
07-8039-5578-5488I will be hopping on and off for the whole three hours, so you'll have plenty of chances to
beat race me, if that's something you've always wanted to do. Of course there will be
prizes going out to those non-VGW members who manage to top the leaderboards, so there's some extra incentive! (Do you need more of an incentive than the opportunity to race me?)
VGW will also be utilizing some amazing technology for a
live podcast that you can sign into via Twitter or Facebook so that you can interact with all of us between the action!
And if you just can't get enough of me, you can register
my 3DS friend code so we can play together in the future! It's
5198-2487-0725. Just remember to let me know who you are when you add me, or I won't add you back!
I hope to see you all there!
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